Searcus Turtle acrylglass


Turtle Circus ti riporta alla tua prima visita al circo, presentando un giocoliere sul monociclo. Questo disegno ti accoglie con una divertente illustrazione di una tartaruga, che trasporta un circo allestito sul suo carapace con un gambero in monociclo all'interno, un duo di lavoro itinerante determinato ad intrattenere gli abitanti del mare.

Il pezzo ti seduce, ritraendo l'armonia tra i due compagni. Questa illustrazione viene proposta in vetro acrilico di alta qualità ottenuto da una singola fusione. L'illustrazione risplende dietro il vetro acrilico trasparente in colori particolarmente vivaci.

Con una risoluzione Ultra HD e le dimensioni di 75 x 100 cm, questa curiosa immagine ti invita a immergerti in profondità e a riportare alla memoria i ricordi felici delle tue amicizie.



In this modern desert of alienation, I desire to redesign a world that, though far from perfection, is animated by an ethical sense.

The sea, with its sublime aesthetics, enchants and seduces us; yet, it conceals in the abyss of its depths the darkness and perils, unfathomable laws, and battles for survival.Thus, the ocean becomes a symbol of this existence, a continual contrast between light and darkness.

This duality also manifests in the circus, where the enchantment of a smile challenges the sadness of a shadow.

Behind the glow of its lamps, forgotten stories of freak shows and lives on the fringes are concealed, making the circus, in all its complexity, a mirror of humanity in constant search.

The two circus companions, in an extraordinary union, embody the power of two entities that, when united, can pursue ambitious goals.

These entities, in the case of my characters, could be a turtle and a shrimp, a crab and a seahorse, symbolize the strength of friendship, of complicity.

In this duo, one element, calm and reflective like a turtle, harbors within itself its fearless twin, the shrimp.

The latter is the daring one, the adventurous one who confronts the mystery, who jumps into the unknown, unaware of where and how it will land. In this dance, balance emerges from the dialectic between caution and audacity, between the prudence of the turtle and the ardor of the shrimp, creating a story of life in constant motion.

In the circus of life, they represent the possible harmony between different forces, a unity that can overcome every obstacle, like a perfect balance in the performance of a circus act, capturing the very essence of human cooperation.In this kaleidoscope of experiences, I glimpse hope, a melody of optimism dancing to the rhythm of life.

Light and shadow blend in a richly contrasting tableau, granting at every step the power to transform the desert into a blossoming garden.