Coperta di lana Mongolfiere
Prezzo unitario perLa raffinata maestria dietro questa coperta crea un’opera squisita che incarna l’eleganza senza tempo del patrimonio italiano. Sapientemente tessuta su telaio, questa coperta è realizzata con una delicata combinazione di 70% lana pregiata e 30% cashmere, offrendo il perfetto equilibrio tra calore, morbidezza e raffinatezza.
Il design cattura la bellezza eterea dei sogni, ispirato alla leggerezza di una mongolfiera che fluttua dolcemente nel cielo. Ogni punto riflette una meticolosa attenzione ai dettagli, esaltando l’esperienza tattile di un prodotto realizzato con straordinaria cura.
Con la sua morbidezza, la coperta con i pesci mongolfiera trasforma la tua casa in un santuario di calore e comfort, aggiungendo un tocco di decoro inusuale. Che sia adagiata sul letto o avvolta intorno a te in una serata fresca, ti avvolge in un abbraccio delicato, invitando a un sonno sereno e riposante.
Dimensioni: 140x160cm

Watching a documentary on the ocean, Riccardo was struck by the sight of dolphins playfully nudging pufferfish — an interaction that releases toxins, bringing a sense of playfulness and delight to the dolphins. He imagined the pufferfish as a whimsical companion, lifting the spirits of its marine counterpart.
Just like in life, there are moments when we need someone, a friend, a colleague, even a stranger to help us rise, to lift us when we falter, so we can continue our flight forward.
From this vision was born the Montgolfiers collection: an ode to complicity and friendship, a tribute to the power of collaboration, not only between two individuals but between companies, nations, and any entities that seek to journey together through both serene and turbulent skies.

For even when darkness falls along our path, when the night stretches vast and uncertain, it is the bonds we share that keep us aloft, that allow us to press onward. This is why the Montgolfiers collection embraces both day and night, recognizing that when darkness falls, with the right support, even the night can lose its menace.
More than mere objects, these creations become symbols, offering a gesture, a message, a quiet yet profound declaration of the strength found in unity.
A dinner set with one of these pieces, a gift exchanged between hands, becomes an emblem of shared purpose, of a collective ascent towards something greater.